continuing with the busy

Yesterday turned out to be very busy. Not only did I get a lot of housework done and write 1700 words (!), I had to pop into town, so Mom met me and we went to look for high chairs. At Mothercare, they gave me a free flyer for a baby photo shoot, and Young Indiana was looking particularly adorable in a baseball outfit (the baseball outfits just *slay* me) so I thought what the hell. So we spent, I don’t know, half an hour, anyway, getting his picture taken,…

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this is promising.

I got about 2/3rds of my words written this morning (takes a while to wake up and get the fiction cells firing, she said blearily), but that’s fairly promising. I can get another 350 done at some point during the day, and I can see already how this has the potential to re-shape my day greatly to the good. I can eat and do Pilates (not in that order) during the time I would normally be rushing for a shower, and shower during Indy’s nap instead of writing, and if…

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simple != easy

My agent recently linked to a post by John Scalzi about finding the time to write. The gist of it is “Do or do not, there is no try”, and several people said “It’s not that simple.” John’s point is that it is, in fact, that simple, but that one should not confuse simple with easy. I feel like I’m finding a lot of simple things to be not particularly easy at the moment. There’s a whole lot I want to get done. Most of it is simple. Finish my…

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Indonesian fundraiser

I dunno if you’ve been following the disasters that have been hitting Indonesia lately, but it’s been one thing after another–tsunamis, volcanoes, floods–and every time I hear about one of them I wince, because my “Take A Chance” artist, Ardian Syaf, is Indonesian, and I keep fearing his area will be hammered. So far it hasn’t been. But Ardian–who has gone on to great things with Marvel and DC (especially DC)–is selling his Batman “Blackest Night” issue one, page one art as a fundraiser for disaster relief in his home…

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five years

I moved to Ireland five years ago today. My nephew, age two and a half, announced excitedly as we came into Dublin, “Auntie Catie, Auntie Catie, this is the Wiver Wiffey!” I often think about that as I cross the Wiver Wiffey now. :) And about four hours after I arrived, jet-lagged and exhausted, my sister said to me, brightly, “So how do you like living in Ireland?” *laughs* The answer is, pretty well. For the first year or 18 months or so we kept saying “It’s like living in…

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