
I like Halloween. I like dressing up and all of that. I have not, however, actually *done* that since, oh, college. So next year we’re holding a Halloween costume party, dammit, and you’re invited. :) (Good. Now I have a year to make a costume. Chiana, Chance, or Rogue? :))

my aunt lives there now.

A friend of mine encountered a grocery clerk yesterday whose aunt evidently lives on Barryar.

under heaven

I know GGK doesn’t work for some people, but damn, he just keeps right on working splendidly for me. And I’m tired enough right now that reading his writing doesn’t fill me with existential despair, just a pleasant gentle joy. And I’m only three chapters in. :)

et voila

Revisions and copy edits on SPIRIT DANCES are done. You guys will love the end of this one. Where “love” means “rise up and kill me”. :) This means I have two days scot free before NNWM starts, although realistically I’ll probably go ahead and get started on the next BYD&OT story (my, that needs to be pared down, doesn’t it? BYD or OT, do you think?) tomorrow. I actually managed a NNWMish wordcount today, but I will be astonished if that happens with any regularity over the next month.…

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oh yeah

The Sekrit Project: I am entirely delighted to announce that I have sold a collection of Old Races stories to Subterranean Press. Tentatively entitled BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER & OTHER TALES OF THE OLD RACES, it will include “From Russia, with Love”, “Five Card Draw”, “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” and three to five new stories centering around Janx, Daisani, Vanessa Grey and Baba Yaga’s daughter. And probably some other people. ;) Like all SubPress publications, it will be a limited run edition, probably of around 2000 copies, with…

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