I just did Pilates for the first time in what, a year. With the first two exercises I thought “Hey, not so bad, maybe I didn’t lose ALL the muscle tone!” Then I tried the third, which mostly involved lying on the floor laughing pathetically at my inability to move. :) Clearly I need to find someone with a video camera this weekend, and I can do my Pilates For Normal People video, because there is no doubt at all that I’m at the absolute out-of-shape rank beginner stage again.…
routine: the attempting of
Okay. It is clear to me that in order to get certain things done–like Pilates and, it appears, writing–I must make some changes to my daily routine. The obvious best solution here is “no internet until Ted gets home from work”, but since I would like to maintain a degree of reality in this plan, it’s probably more likely to be: – no internet prior to doing pilates or yoga – make more of an effort to take that morning walk. 3 or 4 miles a day does wonders toward…
I need to start writing down LJ usernames instead of thinking, “ZOMG! Elizabeth Moon! I must friend her from my writing-friends-journal!” and then failing to make a note of the name so later (like today) when I go to get around to it, I have no idea what username I’m looking for. And Tamora Pierce, too, she’s another one I noticed in the past few days. *mutter* My damned netbook needs a new power supply–the dongle that fits into the computer got damaged while we were moving–and I went into…
Yesterday my mother, who is wonderful, came over to sit on Young Indiana for a few hours so Ted and I could go to a movie. We had intentions of attending the high-brow film “The A-Team”, but were derailed by trying to buy the unlimited monthly passes, which, infuriatingly, took forty minutes and only scored us one. So we went to the even-higher-brow film “Predators”. I’d had no particular intention of seeing Predators, since 1. I’ve seen none of the previous films and don’t give a hoot about the franchise,…
Well, the housewarming party was a huge success. We had a variety of international travelers, as and INSANELY AND WONDERFULLY popped over from England for the day, and was down from the North. And there were the various ex-pats living in Dublin who attended; people from America and Spain and France and Poland and Germany, plus a load of Dubs (and at least one Cork lass), so it was a genuinely international sort of event. It was like P-Con in our living room. :) We had about 25 or 30…