I am off to Dublin in an hour or so. Don’t quite know when I’ll have access again (hopefully early next week, though I can always pop over to my sister’s and use her internets), so see you when we’re back!
I’m unemployed.
I have just become unemployed for the first time in a decade. My day job dumped me at the end of 2004, at which time I was contracted for two series, the Walker Papers and the Strongbox Chronicles. Since then, I’ve been constantly under contract–Walker Papers, Strongbox Chronicles, Negotiator Trilogy, Inheritors’ Cycle–but I have now turned in book six of the Walker Papers, SPIRIT DANCES, and that means I’m officially out of contract. Wow. Wow, how utterly, *utterly* bizarre. I mean, don’t get me wrong. July’s task is writing the…
bits and bobs
*laughs* I should have known saying we needed an au pair who spoke a non-English language fluently would get some volunteers. Sadly, since the technical definition of au pair includes “lives with the family” I’m afraid any volunteers would actually have to find their own lodging, which is probably not nearly as ideal as might be hoped, especially since I can only pay in books and food. :) I’ve been walking quite a lot but have totally lost track of my Rivendell miles. I need to start that count up…
Ted has just picked up the keys to our new house. Holy carp. I guess this is official. We’re moving to Dublin. We’re moving, like, this weekend. Agh! *stares around in a panic* I am thinking of a housewarming party on August 1, although I’m informed by at least two friends that it’s not a good date because it’s a bank holiday weekend. However, since we can be sure Ted won’t be working the weekend yet at that point, we might have it then anyway. I need to post on…
hah! yay!
hah! revisions have pushed SPIRIT DANCES to just over 100K! Mission accomplished! Yay! (well, mission accomplished except for the other hundred pages of revisions I have yet to go through. still, yay!) *does a little dance*