Honey, will you get the ray gun ready?

Dave Barry, in his words of wisdom, suggests not taking a sleeping pill and a laxative in the same night. I further add to this, don’t take a fibre drink when you have a newborn. The rest I leave to your imagination. (Actually, it didn’t affect him at all, but it’s hard to put a baby to sleep when you’re making a sudden panicked run for the toilet. OTOH, in a fit of morbid curiosity, I got on the scale this morning and was within a pound of my pre-pregnancy…

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this is mostly a test

to see if this will propagate to facebook via lj, since the old note feed thing doesn’t seem to be working anymore. hopefully it’s actually not working, rather than just building things up, because if this works and it’s still working presumably there’ll be a lot of spam. which would be sad.

the lost weeks

I’ve been off sugar for a month and I’ve lost 21.5 pounds. :) Strangely, 18.5 of that has been in the past week. Even more strangely: I have never in my life been less interested in sweets. I’m having a hard time eating enough anyway, due to sheer exhaustion, but wow, really honestly just not interested in junk. Who am I and what have I done with my tastebuds? Mom was telling me she was reading about post-partum exhaustion, which apparently affects 80% of new mothers. Not depression, just flat-out…

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a little catching up

I sat down to write a blog post and immediately ran out of energy. Oops. Oh well. Perhaps all I’ll say, then, is that my breasts, they are pneumatic, yea veritibly. They attach to my body with no particular nod toward gravity or believable angles of descent or, indeed, shape. They are, in fact, comic book breasts. Too bad I don’t have a great Chance or Rogue costume to go along with ’em. :)

such a new mom

I am such a new Mom. I am willing to concede that my friends have cute children, but I’m afraid none of those children can possibly be as utterly adorably charmingly perfect as young Mister Henry. Even if I know all their parents think the same things about their children. It’s slightly embarrassing. :) Obviously I have a lot to post about. Someday I might even have the energy to do it. That moment, however, is not now. Couple pictures behind the cut. :)