home again!

I am filthy and unshowered, so I have no new pictures, but young Mr. Henry and myself are home from the hospital. He’s 8 pounds and 21 inches long. He is a lean mean baby machine, and getting cuter by the day. Thank you all for the congratulations. :) To generally answer some of the comments: No, you didn’t miss an announcement, we’re just very sneaky! Re: taking the rest of 2010 off: You didn’t *really* think I’d go the rest of 2010 without *some* kind of new project, did…

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More Pictures

Ted posting again. Hope the family will all be home tomorrow. But here are more pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/ChefTedl/NewPicturesFromTonightsVisitWithCatieSParents#

Something new!

This Ted posting for Catie. At 2:41 am GMT Catie gave birth to our son Henry Stanford Murphy Lee. Henry wieghed in a solid 8 lbs. Both mother and baby are doing fine. Here are the first pictures. http://picasaweb.google.com/ChefTedl/HenryDay1#

guest blog!

I’m blogging at Star-Crossed Romance today! In other news, I figured out where to insert a new chapter into SPIRIT DANCES, but haven’t actually done it yet. Of course, the new chapter will mean revising the end more than expected, but that’s okay, because ultimately it will be Better. Supernatural & V tonight. Perhaps an episode of Dollhouse. Yes, this is my exciting life. :)

remaining thinks to do

I had an absolutely lovely, quiet day off yesterday, and am feeling roughly 23425098707 million times more relaxed than I was, say, 48 hours ago. I could use a full body massage, possibly one daily for a month or so, but that’s pretty typical for me. I’m so much more relaxed, though, that it would probably do some /good/, which I’m not sure it would’ve done previously. :) Ted and I went to see “Whip It”, which we both enjoyed a lot more than we expected to, so that was…

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