I have one complete set of the Walker Papers (URBAN SHAMAN, THUNDERBIRD FALLS, COYOTE DREAMS, WALKING DEAD) in trade paperback left to sell. If you’re interested in it, it’s $75, which includes S&H from Ireland, and I will of course sign them to whomever you like. Leave a comment to arrange the particulars! I made a perfectly lovely applesauce cake for dessert last night. It’s a nice rich spicy cake with a lovely dense texture, and I was asked for the recipe, so I shall put it behind the cut.…
happy day
This is a post of such inconsequentiality, mostly about NCIS and The Princess and the Frog, and a little about food, that I shall put it behind a cut tag.
mostly metrics
A post of mostly metrics, as I haven’t updated in a few days. SPIRIT DANCES is, by way of wordcount, 25% done. Pretty close to that by pagecount, too, at 103 pages of an anticipated 440. (oh god, that number looks big. *ignores it*) I had an unusually good writing day at 4700 words today. If I could do that every weekday I’d be nearly finished with it by Easter. That would be good, but it’s asking a lot. We’ll see. Four Five Six complete sets of the Walker Papers…
Book Sale Mark II
All right. I was going to put this off until June when the Walker Papers mass markets will have been out a year, but I’ve just gotten 3 boxes of mass market Negotiator books and am really badly out of room for books, so I’m going to go ahead and throw this out to see if anybody’s interested. I have 8 complete sets of the Walker Papers (URBAN SHAMAN, THUNDERBIRD FALLS, COYOTE DREAMS, WALKING DEAD) in trade paperback. If anybody would like a complete signed set, I’ll sell them for…
P-Con Weekend
We are back from P-Con and I have reached a degree of semi-functionality, so it is time to summarize the weekend. It was fun. :) There we go, then! More, though not exhaustive, detail behind the cut. :)