Somebody in comments asked, more or less, what this “sustainable funding model” thing with the Hot Time novella was, so now that I am feeling less damaged than yesterday (my toe is now wonderfully purple. It doesn’t hurt as much and is healing up fine) I thought I’d try to address it. Gratuitously, though, I’m going to mention at the top rather than at the end of this entry that speaking of this whole topic, Crowdfunding community Rose & Bay is now running their votes for (among other things) best…
I was going to do a post about sustainable funding models and things, but this morning I stubbed the middle 3 toes of my right foot so hard I collapsed in tears and didn’t get up again for 90 minutes because it hurt so much it exhausted me. I was feeling pretty fragile and melodramatic, except I just looked at my middlest toe, which is black with bruising, so apparently I really did stub the holy living shit out of it and am not as pathetic as all that. I…
done & dusted
DEMON HUNTS galleys are finished and submitted. Now the question is whether to toss the manuscript or bring it to P-Con for the auction. (*looks at * :)) That’s officially the end of the Five Year Plan, which was all about getting as many books on the shelves over a five year period as I could. DEMON HUNTS will be out June 1st, five years to the day after URBAN SHAMAN. 10 CE Murphy books, 3 Cate Dermody books, a scattered handful of short stories & novellas, and a five-issue…
“Hot Time” update:
Please note!: You will need to click the “return to merchant” button in order to be brought to the download page, once you’ve bought your copy of “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight”! Having not actually bought a copy myself, I didn’t realize that would be part of the process and so I didn’t know to mention it. Sorry for any inconvenience, and if you’ve bought but not received it, please email me ( and I’ll email you your copy!
many thinks to do
Couldn’t get comfortable enough to write on the train yesterday, so I haven’t reached 70K on the book, but that’s okay. We had an utterly splendid weekend in Cork and are very glad indeed to have gone. I will no doubt be posting fairly regular reminders over the course of the month about the “Hot Time” sale, but if any of my myriad friends and … well, I was going to say “coworkers”, except my life generally doesn’t work that way, so my myriad friends, then! If any of you…