There will be a book signing event in Fairbanks, Alaska! Where: The Fairbanks Barnes & Noble When: 1-4pm on Friday, November 27th, 2009 What: I will definitely be signing, and my books will be for sale. I may do a reading or two, since I’ll be there a while. Further details: The Fairbanks B&N is leaning toward mostly bringing in copies of WALKING DEAD to sell. I’m also encouraging them to stock up on first books in all of my series, but if you’re in the Fairbanks/North Pole/Nenana/etc region and…
Seattle book signing!
There will be a book signing event in Seattle! Where: The University Book Store on University Way in Seattle, Washington Where, in greater detail: This will be a Fireside Event, taking place downstairs on the far side of the cafe, rather than in the usual event area. When: 7-8pm on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 What: I will definitely be signing, and my books will be for sale (cash registers close at 8, we may be permitted to hang out a bit longer afterward to finish signings & things). I may…
thinks to do
The theory of the thing was to have TRUTHSEEKER revisions done by Sunday last. To this I say AHAHAHAHAHA. At this point I think my goal is to have them done by Sunday next, or Monday at the latest. We’re going into Dublin for the GRRM signing tomorrow, so they won’t get done before then. There’re only a hundred pages left, but it hasn’t been easy to sit down and do them. After that, pre-holiday, I must do the following: – tiddly revisions on “Perchance to Dream” – tiddly revisions…
No No Wri Mo!
I am not even pretending to participate in NNWM this year. I see other people gearing up and a tiny part of my brain goes “I could do that!”, but I must crush it ruthlessly. I’ll be on vacation the second half of November, and there’s no way I’d keep it up even with the best of intentions. So my best intentions must be not to do it at all. I just have to turn those short stories in and finish revisions on TRUTHSEEKER and take the month off. Those…
The end of this book remains an aggravating hundred pages away. And it was supposed to be this cute little quick and easy 360 page thing which has now grown to 420 pages and probably isn’t quite done there. And the changes made so far mean adding a scene and setting a written one somewhere else and then probably revising another one to a chase scene or something. It all sounds like a lot of work. Sigh. I suspect it will overflow into November by a couple days to finish…