Last night Ted made a comment which spawned the very beginnings of an idea for that environmental-themed novel I’d like to write. (Not that the link is really about the novel, it’s just the rant which caused several people to say, “Gosh, Kit, you should write a book.”) I can just barely see the shape of what I’d want to do with it, and will let it sit and will write notes when I have ideas, but man. I…would really like to tackle that someday. Sooner rather than later, because…
I hate shopping.
I needed new pants. I’ve needed new pants for weeks. I kept putting off buying them, because I hate shopping under the best of circumstances, which, at my current weight, cannot be achieved. But today, because I am sick unto the very *death* of wearing floppy pants, I went to Dunnes to buy jeans. Every pair of women’s jeans available gleefully advertised themselves as “skinny jeans”. Overlooking the fact that I am a far cry from skinny, even when I’m at my slimmest, my thighs do not fit in skinny…
just because i’ve been doing a really crap job keeping track of this. miles to Morannon: 94.9 ytd wordcount: 236,000
Women in fantasy
There’s a sort of on-going discussion about women–or more specifically, the lack thereof–in epic fantasy books. Marie Brennan and Kate Elliott discuss it here and here at SF Novelists, Kate Elliott & Ken Scholes discuss it here at Borders Blog, and there are a variety of other places I’m failing to link to because five links is enough for one paragraph. The question raised is essentially “where are the women?”, specifically lately in epic fantasy but also as a general statement in fantasy and science fiction. What the question really…
I love geeks. :)
The war room is acting up, logging people in to different instances. Laura Anne and I managed to get in the same room, where the following conversation occurred: mizkit: …is this still the second room? lagilman: no. this is the new ope that opened when I left the old one lagilman: ‘aponi is trapped in a different reality! mizkit: oh no! mizkit: do you suppose it’s the Dark Mirror universe? mizkit: Will Spock have a goatee? lagilman (whose response comes up at exactly the same time my second question does):…