Yesterday’s short story meme has hit upon the following: – at least 5 stories I’d actually like to write – something startlingly close to the plot of an upcoming book – one story I’ll never write, but probably it’s not the one you think it is – the observation that none of you pay attention to the structure of a Walker Papers title, and – a clear predilection amongst my readers to see Morrison in leather pants Later I’ll post a few responses. :)
short story meme
Nabbed from , who got it from , a short story meme worthy of taking a stab at: Here’s what you need to do: Give me the title of a story I’ve never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and I will tell you any of: the first sentence, the last sentence, the thing that made me want to write it, the biggest problem I had while writing it, why it almost never got submitted to magazines, the scene that hit the cutting room floor…
“I wonder who’s comin’ to Sookie’s house today.”
Yesterday Ted and I were talking about the role of inspiration in an artist’s job, and whether there were artistic professions where inspiration was the rule rather than the exception. We pretty much decided no. Possibly, we agreed, there are scenarios in which inspiration may be more useful for some artists than others. Ursula Vernon is apparently periodically inspired to do one of her extra-bizarre paintings…but I know for a fact that most of what pays her bills is a rock solid, day-in-day-out work ethic. One does not produce a…
“Gemma Fade”
The problem, of course, with writing Gemma Fade’s story is that it would take a whole new universe, because it’s too big an idea to waste on fan fiction, which is what it would be if I left it in the Marvel universe. And that would defeat the whole geeky meta fanboy point of it (although I donno, there’s not much prose superhero fiction, it might be worth trying). And it /would/ be a big idea. It would take a minimum, I think, of three viewpoint characters: Gemma herself, a…
Mission: Destroy the Marvel Universe
I had this peculiar and complex dream this morning that someone was trying to destroy the Marvel Universe (and no, this mysterious villain was not a shadowy figure with giant mouse ears). The interesting thing about this particular dream was that it wasn’t an attempt to destroy it from within. Someone was trying to eradicate it from the real world. Joe Quesada (the current editor in chief) was next on their hit list, and there were creators who had been entirely eliminated from the timeline already. Claremont, in fact, wasn’t…