There has to be a certain critical level of 1980s girl geek cred (or something, cred may be too kind a word) accorded to someone who, in search of a specific word, thinks, “Synchronicity, no, that’s not the word I want, what is it, it’s the name of Jem’s hologram computer…” (Synergy, that was the word I wanted.)
shelf space
If ever I wonder what I’ve been busting my balls for over the past several years, I need only look at this picture to find an answer: Thanks to Mary Anne for the photo. :)
mostly metrics, it seems
Halfway through the third & final chapter for the RATTLESNAKE DANCES proposal. I made myself swoon a little while writing it. Sadly for Jo, she was too busy to have a proper swoon herself. :) Dammit, I keep thinking of things to blog and then they fall out of my head when I sit down to write about them. :p Oh, right, there was this! A call for a general strike in America. miles to Morannon: 66.2 ytd wordcount: 227,200
“Hot Time” finished!
At some 88 pages and 21.7K, the draft of “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” is finished. It’s now off to beta readers who will render opinions, and the novella will be delivered to its patrons next Tuesday, September 1st. Whew. Okay, taking the rest of the day off now. :) thinks to done/done: – email the dabels – email melissa – finish chance essays – check with jason wrt chance essay – finish “hot time” – post belfast writeup/pictures – finish rattlesnake proposal – start work on mia…
thinks to done/done: – email the dabels – email melissa – finish chance essays – check with jason wrt chance essay – finish “hot time” – post belfast writeup/pictures – finish rattlesnake proposal – start work on mia – answer fred’s email been working on the belfast stuff for 90 minutes. have lost all will to live. *drags self off to do something, ANYTHING, else*