A friend of mine asked a couple days ago where the mileage to Rivendell was. She found it at its usual location, the Eowyn Challenge, but because I broke it out into separate journeys years ago whle I was doing this, I asked if she wanted the individualized set. She did, and at least one other person did too, so I thought I’d put it up here in case anybody else wanted to walk to Rivendell and have their own copy of this.
slightly crushed
I had real hopes of finishing “Hot Time” yesterday. I wanted it to be done so I could do some polishing Monday and get it handed over to beta readers for commentary before I got it ready to send out to its patrons. Instead I hit the novelist’s event horizon. I *know* I’m not more than 1500 words (at the most) from finished, but God, I just could not reach the end. I kept trying. The story reached Official Novella Length (17.5K) early on, but I knew it was never…
thinks to do with a link salad
thinks to do this week/end / in august: – email the dabels – email melissa – finish chance essays – check with jason wrt chance essay – finish “hot time” – post belfast writeup/pictures – finish rattlesnake proposal – start work on mia – answer fred’s email thinks to do in september: – the last set of TRUTHSEEKER revisions, i expect – either start WAYFINDER, or at least revise the proposal, depending – add tpc excerpts to cemurphy.net – update cemurphy.net links – start cemurphy.net redesign – work on kitsnaps…
Geeks, Represent!
I have damned good friends. Lithera picked up copies of the FCBD issue of Chance, as well as issue #5, while she was at ComicCon, and I have just received a big box full of those and other extremely splendid things, including a STRANGERS IN PARADISE canvas bag. Which reminded me that I was thinking a couple days ago about how many of my belongings subtly or not-so-subtly inform the world that I’m a geek. I’ve got another tote bag that’s a Browncoats mail bag. All of my coats have…
*laugh* ah, the writer’s life
I’ve been getting happy comments from people who’ve received and read WALKING DEAD and are ready for the next one. *laughs* No fair. I can’t keep up. :) Actually, of course, I’m way ahead of them, starting the 6th book right now, but it takes *so little* time to read a book and so long to write one, even if you write fast! Mind you, vis-a-vis wanting the last Codex Alera book RIGHT NOW, I’m just like my readers when *I’m* reading, but still! On the other hand, I also…