Bryant has got me thinking all sorts of thoughts now, with regards to not only sustainable funding models (I love that phrase. I could use it six times a day!), but also about direct marketing models and, tangently, Creative Commons Licensing. Essentially, a creative work licensed under CC is an open invitation to play in someone else’s sandbox. There are a variety of licenses available which offer lesser or greater opportunity to play. The most restrictive is a redistribute-only license; the least restrictive is “give me credit on this, and…
thinks to do: july
– finish TRUTHSEEKER revisions – proposal for WAYFINDER* so I can also – pitch WORLDBREAKER – revisions for DEMON HUNTS – proposal for Walker Papers #6 – a Janx & Daisani Old Races story – Chance graphic novel proposal – an essay or two for the Chance GN/getting together all the materials for that GN » includes asking my team if they want to write essay things » and getting color notes to Jason – Mia graphic novel proposal – Walker Papers short story – Marvel application I honestly can’t…
a solution
Ok, here’s what I’m going to do with “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight”, as well as any other stories I might eventually put up for commission. The commission window is open through July 7th. If you pledge during that time you’ll receive the story on August 7th as one of the original commissioners. In November, I will open up a “buy it now” option where you can buy the story directly from me for a minimum of $10 (the minimum amount required by Fundable, just to keep…
aaaaand he lost me
In possibly the fastest-ever reversal on a comic book I’ve ever experienced, X-MEN FOREVER #2 put me off reading the series entirely. I’ll probably pick it up in (softcover) trade, but wow, I’ve never gone from really quite eager to read a series to dropping it that fast. There’s no continuity between 1 & 2. They skipped a huge chunk of action, which we will presumably learn As The Story Plays Out, but it’s not a storytelling ploy that I’m willing to accept. It just pissed me off, and even…
holy carp!
I awakened this morning to discover the short story commission has reached its minimum goal! On Friday, August 7th, I will send out “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” to all of my patrons, who will be the only people to see it until I find a market elsewhere for it or even possibly until I have enough stories for an Old Races anthology. If you were waiting to see if the story was going to be a go before becoming a patron, perhaps this is the time to…