I have just finished writing the scene you didn’t even know you were waiting for, but can’t wait to read, and I am Happy. ♥
Happiest thing ever.
This has got to be one of the happiest things I’ve ever seen in my whole life: 47 year old Susan Boyle gives a truly unexpected performance on Britain’s Got Talent. ♥
Last chance to see!
Apparently I was wrong about that last entry being of interest only to myself. How, well, interesting. :) But this is more interesting, I think: A FANTASY MEDLEY is officially sold out, which means if you haven’t gotten a copy, your last chance is to win one that one of us is giving away. So you have until noon Eastern tomorrow to participate in my casting contest. Go forth! Participate! Enjoy!
The Tyranny of Stuff
I spent a while cleaning the en suite and bedroom today, and got a little despairing at the Tyranny of Stuff. My bureaus–and I use the word ‘my’ advisedly, because there are 8 drawers, 3 of which hold things I use and five of which hold a variety of things, some of which are mine, some of which are toiletries, and some of which I have no idea what’s in them really–have been piled-up with Stuff on top for, oh, about as long as we’ve lived in this house. This…
I have been working ALL DAY on a VERY SLOW chapter with no fastness in the writing at ALL and I have FINALLY finished it and now I’ve discovered that I am 149 words away from 30K on the book. ARGH! *goes to write another 150 words, grumpily* eta: there. for pity’s sake. another 289 words, the book is past 30K, and I wrote like 3800 words today. I’m going for some ice cream, man. *grinchy face* ytd wordcount: 104,100 miles to Minas Tirith: 175.5