Things I have learned from the Intarwebs today: – it is possible to grow raspberries in a container – it is not possible to grow raspberries in a container – it is possible to grow raspberries in a container, but only if it is a shallow container – it is possible to grow raspberries in a container, but only if it is a deep container – the problem is not so much growing raspberries as stopping them from growing – unless they’ve got rot, in which case the problem is…
Got TRUTHSEEKER turned in fairly early this afternoon, so I went out of the house and had a mad shopping spree wherein I bought: 1 cherry tree 2 planters 3 raspberry/tayberry/black currant bushes (each) a large bag of compost, and 1 starter kit for knitting a sparkly silver scarf That last bit is Mom’s fault. I love the sweaters she made me so much it has made me decide maybe I want to give knitting a try after all. If I like it, I’ll have a scarf! If I don’t…maybe…
I got a decent haircut yesterday. It’s essentially this one, except my hair’s not actually that long yet, so mostly what matters is the back got brought up short like that. Except not that short because the hairdressers here apparently have a holy terror of using clippers on a woman’s head. Anyway, it’s better. I’ve reached the stage in the beginning level of Pilates that I just need the list of exercises (helpfully provided in the front of the book) to be able to go through the workout. I don’t…
virus removal?
Apparently is laden with viruses and trojans. I have no idea how to even find these, as I’m not getting any warnings about them, much less remove them. Is this something I should talk to my host provider about, or is there something I can do? How? Help! eta resolved. thanks.
because it never ends
thinks to do today: – color notes thinks to do before Monday: – “Cairn Dancer” revisions – read THE CALLING thinks to do this month – stop by the bank & open a savings account – email Marvel – read FLESH & FIRE – read DRAGON IN CHAINS – read THE LAURA CHRONICLES – read Emma’s story – read Dixon’s essay – zip up lost files & send to Dixon – go to the dentist – try to get a good haircut :p – get stuff together for the diabetes…