Because three blog posts in one day are not enough, I bring you two Take A Chance-related interviews, at and Book Spot Central. Trent says to read the BSC one first, I think, because some of what’s said in it is then tidily summarized in the Comicon one. I was going to post a bunch of issue 3 Chance icons, because it’s supposed to be out tomorrow, but I don’t have hardly any made and I’m too damned tired to do more right now. So I’ll just post these…
TRUTHSEEKER is done, at 345 pages and some 81,500 words. That’s the 18th novel I’ve written. Dude. o.o
liveblogging the final chapter
I have done jack all today on this book. So I’m now going behind the cut tag and live-blogging the writing of the last chapter. I have no idea what this will entail. Wordcounts, I guess. For something more interesting, go read today’s interview with me over at Bitten By Books. There are 5 PRETENDER’S CROWN ARCs in the running for commentors, so go forth and participate. :)
a conversation with my mother:
Mom: I think we need to get some strawberry plants from Heaton’s. Kit: We bought raspberry plants, so now we need to get a planter. Yes, we should do that. Mom: Somebody’s selling them cheap come Thursday. Kit: Planters? Mom: Lidl, maybe. Or Aldi. Yeah. Planters. Kit: We’ll have to look! Mom: They’re €5, I think, at Heaton’s. Kit: All right. I’m going to go see if I can get anywhere with this book. The problem is that I know where the chapter ends, but I don’t know really what…
the horrible truth
The horrible truth is exercise just makes me feel better. I know this *is* true, but I keep mentioning it because I have this hope that someday it’ll actually sink in. I got up early-ish this morning and went for a walk because they said the weather would get increasingly worse as the day wore on (and indeed, it is at this very moment pissing out there) and I wanted to get my licks in while I could. And then I came home and did my Pilates. I’m getting better…