I have nearly finished the AAs for WALKING DEAD. The rest of the afternoon will be spent reading the last few chapters and typing them in so they’re no longer a burden on my tiny little mind. I’ve also, much more satisfactorily–which should tell you how fond I am of doing AAs–finished converting cemurphy.net back over to WordPress and hacking it until it looks like the rest of the site. The biggest advantage to this is it allows individual entries instead of the flat file I had, but having comments…
No…we would have been great.
I am the geekiest geek who ever did geek, and I am going to order this. *clutches heart* Furthermore, I now have to learn how to make the really good little animated icons so I can do an animation of the last few seconds of that. *clutches heart more* I am also the slowest writer who ever did write. I’ve only got one or two chapters left (two would make it…smoother, I think, but one seems more likely), but I’m not sure I’ll write tomorrow, because I’m getting increasingly slow.…
random weight loss thought
and I were just discussing the fact that arghing at each other online about the difficulties of weight loss did seem to help keep us on track a little. I, at least, have periodically joined LJ communities and the like where a bunch of geek sorts are trying to lose weight and trying to find encouragement, and they don’t (for the crowd I hang with, anyway) seem to last very long. I wonder if a weekly online scheduled chat session might work better. Format probably wouldn’t matter so much, be…
plod plod plod
I have discovered a new way to make writing less onerous. If one closes one’s eyes while one types, one becomes less concerned about the page count because one can’t see it. This does, mind you, require a pretty flawless ability to touch-type, but that’s one of my L33T SK1LZ, so it’s working out for me. I am not writing fast–the book won’t be finished tomorrow–but I’m doing a chapter a day, which is enough. I’m also spending way too much time going “well if I wrote 3500 words a…
*all* the tv
Amazon hath delivered unto us its temptations, and now we have *all* the TV to watch. And I haven’t even finished re-watching season 4 Doctor Who! Ok, I have not pushed myself as hard in the writing as I might have done. I finished a chapter and have started another, but I had to stop to find out what Pinocchio’s father’s name was (I knew it wasn’t Gestapo) and now I think I’m going to actually go ahead and finish the AAs and possibly go so far as to start…