I’ve had this copy-editor before, on THE FIREBIRD DECEPTION. She has a strange objection to hyphens (somewhere in FIREBIRD she changed “extra-long” to “extralong”, which was just bizarre). This is terribly minor and I recognize everywhere that the hyphens have been removed, so it’s not like changing them back is a chore, but I find it mildly amusing to realize I recognize the CE by her style. That’s ten books ago now, ye gods. So far today, I’ve walked 4 miles, swum 3 kilometers, bought 2 new MP3 players, and…
thinks to do
My little mind boggles that it’s the first of March. thinks to do today: – swim – work on AAs – buy swell MP3 player – try to remember why I was going to stop at Tesco on the way home from the pool. oh! for bamboo sticks and clear plastic sandwich bags! I should write that down. On paper, where it’ll do me some good at Tesco later. – repot my heather (though I don’t think it’s going to survive) – stop to buy cereal – bonus: get shit…
I was weak. :)
Amazon.co.uk delivered unto me an Email of Temptation this morning, and I was weak: they had the full Buffy collection on sale for pretty cheap. Not the cheapest I’ve ever seen it, but the cheapest I’ve ever seen it on this side of the pond, at least, and I succumbed. And then I had to keep looking to see what else was available. Angel was, too, but for more than Buffy (which seemed wrong), though as I said to Ted, “If I got them both, I could watch them in…
2009 release schedule
After I ranted, someone in comments said: you were talking about the idea of going back to repitch the Inheritor’s Cycle as something longer than a trilogy to the publisher. I’m sort of curious if the story was spread out across a longer series — if we wouldn’t only see more detail of this nifty world, but possibly make things easier on you as being able to encapsulate smaller story arcs within each volume…and thus, you know…more frequent release dates? :) which I thought was interesting enough to write a…
This is not a zero-sum game.
Man, the whole topic of discussion regarding books being late (where GRRM is the flagship of reader bitterness) just won’t go away. So having resisted for several days, I can’t resist anymore, although I trust I’ll be preaching to the choir. Nor, mind you, do I have anything very profound to say, except books, despite a writer’s best intentions, don’t always behave. This job isn’t a science, and when a book is late I’m pretty sure there is nobody on the earth who wants it *finished* more than the writer…