Seirid, yesterday, was singing, “Who let the dogs out!” and then barking. Except all of a sudden he said “No no no,” and sang “Who let the ducks out! Quack! Quack! Quack quack quack quack!” I have funny nephews. :) I have decided to keep on with the beginners Pilates for another few weeks, not so much because I don’t think I can do an intermediate level workout as we’re going to Dublin for three days next week and the minute I get TRUTHSEEKER finished we’re going on holiday somewhere,…
Today, there was enough snow in Longford for the nephews to build a snowman! there was also enough snow for Uncle Ted to show the nephews how to have a snowball fight. :) A bunch more pictures here, and a few of the kitties here. :) It’s been a nice day. :)
got it in one :)
Deborah/ on the general proclivities of her friends: “Kit would grimly march forward, complaining in very short spurts about how she should not have set herself up for this, doing pretty much the absurdly impossible, take it on without much hesitation and not account whatsoever for the fact that she is also writing two to three times the volume of the average writer that year, and then when it is all done, accomplished handily, and she is literally on another continent, she will plunk herself down, blow out her breath…
a night in
I’ve had LA Confidential from (the Irish equivalent of) Netflix for about two months now, and so, because Ted is going off to watch the new Punisher movie, which I’m sure is too violent for me, I’m going to have A Night In. It will involve popcorn and orange juice and hopefully a kitty snuggling up with me, and possibly a viewing of Stardust after I’ve watched LA Confidential, but probably not because there’s some kind of international dance competition thing on TV at 9 that I kind of want…
a good mail day
Well, this has been a good mail day. I got an Amazon order *and*, utterly unexpectedly, a copy of DRAGON IN CHAINS, by Daniel Fox/ for review & potential quotage when it goes back to print. Having read some of Daniel’s work before, I’m pretty confident of liking this, and looking forward to reading it. Yay! (If I keep it up at this rate I’m not going to have to buy any books this year. I got Juliet McKenna’s splendid IRONS IN THE FIRE earlier this year (must send her…