! updates! and exercise!

Holy crap, my WordPress is all updated! THANK YOU, O SOAPTURTLEY ONE! *bows down before you*! Hoo, it’s all shiny and new and, er, I can’t spend three hours playing with it because I have to go write very soon. All I will do right now is make certain the cross-posting thing is working…. I have completed 2 weeks (3x a week) of Pilates and v. light upper body weight lifting now. On the 12th of January I couldn’t do any pushups at the end of a set of Pilates…

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a busy day, in the end

Mmm, if I had a spare hundred bucks I’d get me one of these: a velvet frock coat. Oh, except a 12 would probably fit me best and that’s what they’re out of, of course. A ten might be worth trying if I was slimmer, but I’m not. Ah well. My feet hurt. I walked about six miles today, which is more than my 14 month old beat-to-hell tennies can take. They’re turning the electricity off here for several hours on Tuesday. We’re thinking of going in to Dublin and…

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Hm. Anybody seen Chance #2 in the stores yet? According to the schedule I’ve got, it was supposed to be out last week, but there’ve been no reports of sightings, so I thought I’d ask…


The alarm went off this morning at 7. Ted turned it off, an action I fully supported. A couple hours later, when we dragged ourselves to consciousness, he said, “It went off and I thought, “I’m too full to get up.”” *laughs* We may have eaten tooooo much red beans and rice and German chocolate cake yesterday. But MMMM it was yummy! (Did you know, incidentally, that German chocolate is not Germanic in origin, but was created by a man named German? Originally it was German’s chocolate, but the possessive…

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Today is my very, very favorite Ted’s birthday. And as he said, for his birthday he gets a new President, one he voted for, and you can’t get much better than that. I can’t remember ever watching an inauguration before. We’re watching this one. And then we’re having red beans and rice for dinner, and german chocolate cake for dessert. Happy Birthday. :) miles to Dunharrow: 136.5 ytd kilometers swum: 1.7 ytd wordcount: (will be updated later)