nothin’ but numbers

miles to Dunharrow: 133.3 ytd wordcount: 14,900

extremely eclectic post

Ted was morally superior this morning and got up and went to the gym. I, on the other hand, slept until the cats came and lay on me, and then slept some more. I’ll go do my pilates in a minute, but I feel kind of guilty. Especially since it’s not actually raining this morning, and I fear I’ve lost my only chance for getting outside when it’s not miserable. …I wish people would put their twitters behind cut tags. I do not care about twitter. If I wanted to…

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cannot post

Cannot post. Must finish THE SUN SWORD. *reads voraciously, and wide-eyed* ytd wordcount: 12,200 miles to Dunharrow: 130.8


Ok, this is like the sixth time this meme has turned up on my flist when THE PRETENDER’S CROWN was the closest book to hand, and so I am finally going to give in and play: Grab the book nearest you. Right now. Turn to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST. “For nearly a month she’d slept in a dull grey cell and said her devotions…

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bits, bobs & real books

I have to say, a daily word goal of 1500 words until the book is done is a whole lot less stressful than trying to write 3 or 5K or whatever a day in an attempt to get it done Faster. It’s possible I should consider that in the grand scheme of my career…. I don’t know if it’s the low-key wordcount goal or if it’s that I’m Very Determined to finish reading this series, but I’ve been reading Michelle West’s Sun Sword books. I read the first three a…

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