We’ve just had smashed chicken and boxed mac&cheese for dinner. It was incredibly, incredibly good. *loves on Lisa* I’m considering having pop tarts for dessert. Or making cookies with REAL chocolate chips. *loves on Lisa more* miles to Dunharrow: 111.8 ytd wordcount: 4400
Del Rey warned me Tuesday that proofs were on the way for PRETENDER’S CROWN and that they’re due back the 26th. I’m hoping they get here tomorrow, so I can hand them over to my parents and let them do the first couple rounds of proofing while I… …no, not work on TRUTHSEEKER, but instead do the line edits for WALKING DEAD that just turned up. I don’t have to have them back until February 2nd (some kind of record), but better to get them done sooner rather than later…
Publishers Weekly starred review
Four fantasy heavyweights contribute original tales featuring intriguing female protagonists to this enthralling anthology. Kelley Armstrong expands her Women of the Otherworld series to include spunky Toronto vampire Zoe Takano, who proves herself a master of “Zen and the Art of Vampirism” as she fends off dimwitted trespassers. Centuries after the events of The Crown of Stars, Quman hunter Kereka struggles against her tribe’s misogyny in Kate Elliott’s strong but staccato “Riding the Shore of the River of Death.” Baba Yaga’s daughter, the beautiful and quixotic narrator of C.E. Murphy’s…
thinks to do
– buy cat food & cocoa powder – upload pencils for chance #4 – do the )(*&)(# thumbnail sketch for page 1 of chance #4 before ardian flies from indonesia to kill me – do the dear reader letter – email the talent search woman – email lanny – go for a walk – write …for a woman who, for the first time since she started a writing schedule, only has the 3 actual deadlines that are contracted for this year on it, I seem to be putting a number…
first words of the year
Well, the first words of the year have been committed. 1500 down, 268,500 to go. Also, I think my pedometer is under-counting my steps. *grumpy* ytd wordcount: 1500 miles to Dunharrow: 106.8