So urban fantasy author J.F. Lewis has been kicked out of his church for writing an urban fantasy vampire novel, STAKED, and for “committing the sins contained within it”. o.O Jeremy emailed me a while before STAKED came out to say he was enjoying the Negotiator books, and we discovered we had Chris McGrath in common as a cover artist. We met at San Diego Comic Con this past July, where Jeremy was carrying his son’s toy rat around the con because the son couldn’t come so he’d sent the…
copy edits
I suspect, but I do not know for certain, that other writers do the same thing I do when working on copy edits, which is to say, they talk back at the copy editor. “How *dare* you remove my italics,” I say (out loud). (This is an important moment for this character. It *requires* italics.) “No,” I say out loud, “I don’t *want* an em-dash there.” (God knows if I did I’d have put one in. I am not afraid of em-dashes. Or semi-colons. Or colons. Or serial commas.) And…
off to dublin
We’re off to Dublin for Comic Con and Christmas shopping. Don’t burn the place down while we’re gone! ytd wordcount: 352,000 miles to Dunharrow: 21.8
many small things
This is a post of small things, because I don’t seem to be able to keep my head together long enough to remember more than small things for very short periods of time. *God* I’ll be glad when the sun starts to come back, even if it’s perpetually cloudy here. I need to live somewhere where it is sunny but not *hot* all year round, and I have a very limited idea of what constitutes ‘hot’. One of the things I love about the Irish is that they say, “It’s…
ad design is hard
But worthwhile in the end. I have spent a significant amount of the last 24 hours working on an ad for my novels which will go in the back of Chance #1, and I’m pretty happy with the result. The result, mind you, is illegible at size, so this clicks through to a GREAT BIG HUGE version of the ad which is legible. :) – create an ad for Chance #1 – email Rich the stuff he asked for – email *more* to FPI – send photo to CI guy…