tomorrow, we write

Today is going to be full of Doing Work That Isn’t Writing. I have a dream that someday I will no longer be behind the 8 ball. (This would no doubt be made easier if I would stop taking on new projects. I spent a good hour on Saturday looking at my shelf of books I’ve written and trying to figure out where “taking a break” fit into the next few years of finishing those series. I did not come up with an answer. On the other hand, nor did…

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the difference between a fqc and me

The difference between a FQC–Fully Qualified Chef (ie, Ted)–and me: When I make brownies, I pull out the tried and true recipe my family’s been using for more than thirty years. It’s a terrific recipe. It makes wonderful, wonderful brownies. When *Ted* makes brownies, he pulls out a Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Brownie recipe with a cream cheese frosting. We will be the family lolling about on the lawn with our feets and hands up in the air and our round tender underbellies exposed to the sky. :)

been a long week, somehow

I don’t know why, but it’s been a long week. But the proposal for the fifth Walker Papers is turned in, and I’ve given up on NNWM. I’m going to write the Morrigan short story next week, and if I get done with that before the end of the week I’ll go back to NNWM and do as much as I can, but copy edits for PRETENDER’S CROWN are due in, and Dublin City Comic Con is next weekend, assuming I get paid. Well, it’s next weekend even if I…

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Today I reached Isengard! I have been travelling with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas from Rauros to Isengard for the past few months, and have today completed the journey of 484 miles. That’s kind of cool in and of itself. What’s even cooler, though, is that in the first half of the year I walked the 578 miles from Isengard to Minas Tirith with Merry and Pippin, so I have, to date, walked some 1062 miles on those two journeys and a few extra miles of finishing a last bit in…

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never-ending thinks

Our gym membership has run out, not that either of us has been using it since I got back from South Carolina. However, as I decided yesterday I really did need more exercise, I got up and went for a rather pleasant walk this morning. On my walk, it struck me that although I’d never actually thought about it, my dad is in fact a veteran. He was drafted into the army, and upon being sent to Germany (eta, upon being questioned on this: er, not for WWII, just being…

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