Revisions for WALKING DEAD are complete. I think I rewrote almost the entire last chapter (I said, hopefully intriguing the early readers who helped with title ideas). will be glad to hear I went back and spelled Dostoyevsky’s name correctly. :) I’m actually really quite happy with the book, which is always a good stage to be in after revisions. :) And now I get to take THE WHOLE EVENING OFF before working on the third and final chapter for the proposal of book five tomorrow. *looks at the rest…
ducks rowed
– emailed DCCC – emailed FPI – emailed letterer – emailed new artist – arranged covers for Chance 4 & 5 – responded to interview request Not *all* of that was this morning, but most of those were hanging over my head and have finally been dealt with. Now all that’s left is: – finish revisions – finish WP#5 proposal – email *more* to FPI – write Morrigan short story – read & comment on other short story – catch up on NNWM (ahahahahah)
actually fairly productive
It turned out to be a pretty productive day, in the end. I got half the sub-plot written in, and another 12 or 13 pages on the manuscript will actually get it up to the page count it’s contracted for. That’d be nice, although I’m not so far off that it’s really critical. Should finish tomorrow. Oh! Seattle people! What kind of neighborhood is Ballard these days? Still industrial or has it poshed up? I continue to be a great big dork and every time I read about election stuff…
*clutches heart*
I do believe Daniel Craig does the best emotionally vulnerable tough guy I have ever seen. *clutches heart* Ted and I snuck off in the miserable weather to watch “Quantum of Solace”, which I think was considerably better than “Casino Royale”, and now I’ll return to work more happily. I’m considering adding a subplot, if I can figure out how to jury-rig it in there….
I have spent the entire morning doing fiddly busy work that is not anything like the actual revision work I *should* be doing. It’s good stuff to be doing–arranging the covers for issues 4 & 5 of Chance, interview stuff, a few updates (still haven’t emailed the FPI guy, the DCC guy, or my letterer; need to do those, though not *this morning*), that kind of thing. But mostly what I’m doing is avoiding revisions. Which is stupid. They’re not especially hard revisions. They’re mostly rearranging a few sentences,…