Not off to an auspicious start this morning. Ted told me at 7:15 that it was time to get up, and I heard him, but apparently my brain was pretty much full on in dream mode, because I didn’t so much go back to sleep as just continue *to* sleep, in a dream which involved working on revisions at a cafe where I had apparently forgotten to pay for the pizza I’d had a few days earlier, which the women behind the counter tried to tell me, except one of…
TPC revisions: done
I turned the PRETENDER’S CROWN revisions in about 90 minutes ago. The manuscript came in at 684 pages, which means…/bigferret came in closest with a guess of 671 pages. If you want to email me your snailmail address, sometime in April (hopefully) I’ll send you a copy of the book. :) I’m taking tomorrow off, because I just cannot face going into another set of revisions immediately. I think I’ll go swimming and maybe read a book or something. I’m a party animal. :)
pursuing dreams
I was reading Greg Rucka‘s blog yesterday and there was an entry about pursuing dreams and their fragility, and the comments discussed some things about facing reality vs pursuing dreams. It all got me to thinking. And now this is getting to be a very long entry, so I’m going to put it behind a cut tag to spare the flist….
if I were rich…
If I were rich, I would be buying plane tickets to Vancouver, BC right now for next weekend, where I would go watch Jim Byrnes play Friday and Saturday night at The Yale. If I know anybody there, have pity on a poor writer and go see Jim play for me. 9pm, but you’ll want to get there quite a bit earlier if you want to be able to sit. If you want to make an evening of it on my behalf, there’s a terrific little tapas place about a…
so far today…
So far today I have walked a couple miles, done pilates, had breakfast, taken a shower, started laundry, cleaned the kitchen, emptied the garbages,, done story corrections on the proof pages for “From Russia, with Love”, and read 2 of the 3 stories in A FANTASY MEDLEY which are not mine. It’s possible I’ve now used up all my energies, but at least it was a very productive morning. :) Next I’m going to rotate laundry, re-print the PRETENDER’S CROWN manuscript and send the corrections I’ve made to the short…