chaw chaw chaw

I had one of those rare moments this morning where I realized how much I love my job. Actually, that’s not so rare. It’s just that it doesn’t often hit when I’m sitting down to do revisions. I’d cleared off my desk of the last set of manuscript papers so I could spread the new ones around. For about two seconds everything was tidy, and then I put a 717 page manuscript on the left side of the keyboard tray, fifty pages of editorial cuts on the right side, and…

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do not want (sort of)

I do not need these. I don’t even want them, exactly. Except there’s a part of me that’s twelve years old and a die-hard ElfQuest fan, and that part of me wants them *anyway*. (If one of them was Strongbow, well. I wouldn’t be able to resist. But that’s *different*. :)) Horribly sleepy & completely uninspired about working. Ptltlthtlbt. miles to Isengard: 383 ytd miles swum: 23.1

aw, damn.

I’d never seen a Paul Newman movie before this year*, and I think I commented here that when I watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, that although the opening scene was in sepia, when the camera came around for the first time so you could see Newman’s eyes, they were so arresting that I could have just sat there for ninety minutes gawking at that still frame. I’ve still only seen Butch Cassidy and The Sting (I had *no idea* he was in the Elizabeth Taylor Cat on a…

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“I do not want to work today,”

…said little Peggy Ann McKay. I have 200 pages to go on this manuscript. I’m about 7 pages from the most aughful moment in it, a scene which I quite love. Once I’m done, I can go forth into what is looking like it’ll turn out to be a beautiful day, and spend the afternoon listening to trad, bluegrass and banjo music, because there’s a festival here this weekend. I’m going to take my camera. I haven’t done any photography in ages, and it sounds great. All I have to…

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why, yes, I am procrastinating

A question from /comments which allows me to spend a little more time not working on the manuscript right now (I’ve done 100 pages so far today. I have to do at least 50 more. Another 100 would be good, because it would leave me with a bearable amount to do tomorrow, but either way I’ll finish the first revision pass tomorrow): Though, now I’m curious — is there an average number of times that a manuscript will pass between your agent, editor and self? I never really thought about…

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