The man who saved the world

On September 26, 1983, Stanislav Petrov, a Soviet lieutenant colonel, correctly interpreted a satellite early warning system’s notification that the United States had launched a nuclear attack on the USSR as a false alarm, and chose not to pursue the line of doctrine that would have assured mutual destruction. Petrov doesn’t consider himself a hero. I sure as hell do.


God, but THE PRETENDER’S CROWN is a big book. I’ve gone through over 300 pages now (and cut 15 or 20. I’m hoping to discover, when I read my editor’s suggestions on things to cut, that she’s got *different* places to cut from. I don’t know that I can manage to strike the 100 pages that /Jenn thinks would be ideal, but if I could get up to 50 or even *pipe dreams* 70, that would be fantastic), and I’ve just reached the enormously climactic scene that sets everything up…

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A good day. O.O

Okay. So there’s the Chance announcement. Then there’s news from my editor at Del Rey: THE QUEEN’S BASTARD has gone back to press for a fourth printing. And then to ice the cake, it is my utter delight to announce that Del Rey has bought two more books from me: TRUTHSEEKER, a paranormal romance, and an untitled sequel, for mass market paperback release (probably) in 2010. I believe this might just be a banner day.

at long, long last…

Ladies and gentlemen, I am *exceedingly* pleased to announce, at long, long last, the official launch date of my comic book, “Take A Chance”. Dabel Brothers Publishing, in conjunction with artist Ardian Syaf (“The Dresden Files”), colorist Jason Embury (“Hero By Night”, “Shadowhawk”), letterer Melissa S. Kaercher (“Dr. Blink, Superhero Shrink”), cover artist Scott Clark (“X-Men”, “Stormwatch”), and writer C.E. Murphy (“The Walker Papers”, “The Negotiator Trilogy”) bring you “Take A Chance”, a superhero comic series about Frankie Kemp, aka “Chance”, a woman who loses her son to gang violence…

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My printer cartridge has arrived. This means the remainder of the day will be spent: – making sure it’s the right one and fits and works – getting paper so I have enough to print out the PRETENDER’S CROWN behemoth manuscript – clinging to patience as I print the behemoth Fail to cling to patience based on PRINTING THE WRONG FRAKKING VERSION – going to yoga class my bad, no yoga tonight – wondering why the hell the book isn’t done printing yet – swearing at the damned book which…

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