You remember a while back when I posted about a fabulous coat and the ruin of two families? And how we wanted to do a web comic? Well, I did one. A little one, anyway, of the story Leah Moore and I fangirled at each other about the coat. :) It was so much fun! ♥ :)
Sugar Wars: Day 4
I mean, as threatened, I had that hot chocolate today, but it was kind of like my lunch, so, IDK, that counts for something, right? I don’t know what it counts for, but something. The truth is I might have one on Saturday too, since I’ll be near the hot chocolate shop again, but aside from those liquid indiscretions, still going just fine. We’ll see how things go next week when I won’t be in Dublin as often and there’ll be less hot chocolate opportunity, but y’know, so far so…
I cheated on my PT
I had a gift certificate for another massage therapist place in Dublin, and since I didn’t have an appointment with my PT today, I made an appointment at this other place. I got more of a PT session than I expected from it, especially around my hips and middle back, which are very goddamn sore. Probably going to a 2 hour movie immediately after didn’t help, but anyway, ow. Hrm. I thought I was going to have more to say than that, but I guess I don’t. Except boy am…
Recent Reads: The Lescari Revolution
I read the first of Juliet E McKenna‘s Lescari Revolution trilogy several years ago, and really enjoyed it. Then life happened and it took me a while to pick up the second book, at which point I thought, “God, I don’t remember this at all, I don’t remember how we got here or anything,” and read a couple chapters and thought, “No, this is just too unfamiliar, I need to read the…second…book,” as it turned out. I’d picked up the third accidentally. *laughs* Anyway, by then it was all confused…
Sugar Wars: Day 3
It’s amazing how my caloric intake drops like a rock when I stop eating cake/cookies/ice cream/etc. Not unrelatedly, I’m hungry. That’s about all I got tonight. Either yesterday’s hot chocolate offset the OMFG I NEED SUGAR cravings and tomorrow will be hell, or this is going pretty well. And really, tomorrow is my Day In Dublin, and the odds of having another hot chocolate are, shall we say, Extremely High, so I’m either weaning myself off or purposefully torturing myself; your call. Anyway, either way, so far, not suffering much.…