
My, it’s been a busy day so far. I walked down to have coffee with Jai, then went over to Bear Tooth to buy tickets for Bruce Campbell’s thing next week, but there was nobody selling tickets yet, so I had lunch instead. Then I went back over to the mall and first bought a small backpack, which I may return, because it’s not very comfortable, though it seemed ok when I tried it on at the store, and then went to browbeat the Alaska Club into letting me come…

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stats, 8/26

As predicted, no clue what the WW stats are today; I did very well up until we went to the movies, and after that I ceased counting. I’d guess fifty points for the day, maybe more, as I ate a bunch of food that was pure badness. But it was good, too. :) Back on track in the morning, with five days before weigh-in, so hopefully if I’ve done damage I can mitigate it. It’s going to be hard keeping on points after a couple days of splurging, so if…

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recital! rejection! r…that’s all I can think of.

Last night I went to my friend Jai’s bellydance class recital, which was lots of fun. Everybody looked wonderful and did a good job with their dances, and I really liked Jai’s number a lot. Very fun! Everybody was clearly having a great time, even when they were nervous, so yeah, was good. I’m glad I went. :) Another rejection on ANGLES this morning (not from Tor, though). Snif. Though I must say, it’s much less disenheartening to have your agent tell you it got rejected than to open the…

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stats, 8/25

Target points: 22 Points used: 40 Activity points swapped: 2 WPA used/remaining: 16/19 Man. That is sufficient Blowing It to make me want to not count points for tonight. :P Overall, I don’t consider it to be particularly damaging, but in conjunction with going to the state fair tomorrow, where I .intend. to eat things that are bad for me, I’m afraid I’m going to go into the red and spend the rest of the week miserable. My reaction every time to actually going over my points is to stop…

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stats, 8/24

Target points: 22 Points used: 31 Activity points swapped: 3 WPA used/remaining: 6/1.5 I don’t think I’ve ever come that close to using up my WPAs without going over, before. Talk about cutting it close. :) Sadly, no downward motion on the scale this week. No upward motion, either, so that’s good, but no downward. I weigh myself daily, and suspect I’ll see a loss in the next day or two, but whether that holds all the way through til next Thursday is anybody’s guess. I used to hit a…

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