It is *pouring* rain. Sometimes it stops to just sprinkle, but then it revs up again to really dump. My poor bike is out there getting drowned. I need to remember to bring it inside. And work myself up to going for a walk in the waaaaain. Weigh-in day today, nothing exciting for me, but Ted has lost 24 pounds since the beginning of April, and 41 since his highest weight. I’m very impressed. :) He has, the last couple of days, suddenly been feeling skinny. (Svelte is his word…
the worst movies ever :)
My friend Anna, as a method of passing time while doped up after surgery, decided to have a Bad Movie Off. The starring features were Steven Seagal’s On Deadly Ground, and Lou Diamond Phillips’ Alien Express. The utterly wonderful verdict is here. *laughs and laughs* I liked her writeup so much I read the entire thing out loud to the boys. :) My personal contender for Worst Movie Ever is probably the 2000 Godzilla with Matthew Broderick, because I have never before or since found myself shouting, “STEP ON HER!…
LotR trilogy as Princess Bride. Ahahahah *giggle* *laugh* :) Wow. The electricians called me back and made an appointment for tomorrow morning. Woot! After dinner tonight we’ll have to take down the old box and move some lamps in there so there’ll be light to work by. Working on revisions right now. Office still not clean. Getting hungry. Also, cold. Although that could be remedied by closing the window all the way, I bet…
TWO books!
I read TWO books today. And man, it’s been so long since I’ve read something that I’d forgotten how nice it was to just not want to do anything else except go back to the book you had to put down and find out what happens next. I just finished Barbara Hambly’s DEAD WATER, which is the 7th or so of her Benjamin January books that I love dearly. They’re set in 1830s New Orleans and January is a free man of color and they’re wonderfully full of history and…
stats, 8/23
Target points: 22 Points used: 30.5 Activity points swapped: 2 WPA used/remaining: 6.5/7.5 still hungry, too. man.