stats, 8/20/05

Target points: 22 Activity points earned: 4 Points eaten: 27 WPA allowance used/remaining: 1/28.5

art, discipline, and writing

While cleaning, I came across a sketch I started of some Myrys characters, from Amber, way back when. Deborah, who played Myrr (on the far left; the other two are Rynnaen and Piotr), wanted to see it despite my protestations that it wasn’t very good, so I scanned it in. (Lazy scan; it’s bigger than my screen bed and so the halves don’t quite match up, but it wasn’t worth making it match.) And while we were discussing it, I said, “An hour a day. If I practiced for an…

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I am interviewed! Just finished my DragonPage interview, which will air sometime in October. That was fun. :) I’ll post a link when it’s up! Chanti and I /did/ go on a nice long walk, which had some Scary Adventures during it, like the tour bus worth of people coming back from Earthquake Park as we were heading down that way. Poor scaredy Chanti just stood there with her tail between her legs and refused to move while fifty old people walked by and said hello to her. :) Poor,…

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Whoops. Forgot to write down my miles the last couple days. Must do that, or I’ll start losing track of where I am. And it’s *beeoofeetul* today. Maybe I Chanti and I will go on an unusually long walk. And then instead of getting any work done I’ll collapse like a collapsy thing all day. No. Must get things done. Bedroom, bathroom. Those would be Major Accomplishments. Still like the nuke it from orbit option, though… music: Love Bites, Def Leppard miles to Mount DOOOOOOOM: 56

stats, 8/19

Being easily swayed by peer pressure, I went back to counting my APs. Still didn’t have milk yesterday, but the option felt much more like it was there. Is good. Target points: 22 Points eaten: 27.5 Activity points: 2 WPA allowance remaining: 29.5