…and a damned good thing, too! I am Karrin Murphy. I head up one of the most thankless jobs in Law Enforcement. Half the department thinks I’m just crazy. The other’s simply convinced I’m dangerous. They all think I’m due for an early retirement. And they’ve all been wrong longer than they’d like. It’s my job to protect the people who can’t protect themselves. I’m never one of them. Me and the boys in Special Investigations stand between the rest of Chicago and the darkness, armed only with our guns…
Everybody should now be able to read the main page at mizkit.com. Sorry for that last design. :P For those of you who asked, it was different versions of IE which failed to work and I don’t remember what all they were, but for God’s sake. As a coworker of mine used to say, “It’s as if, if your television show was filmed using a Sony camera, it can’t be watched on a Panasonic TV.” The artwork to the left there is Chance, from the comic book I’d like to…
flat as a pancake
I feel flat as a pancake. Gary ought to be home this morning, so that’s good. Ted was reading all the comments last night and said, “You have nice friends,” to me, so thank you all for the good wishes and good thoughts. Very much appreciated. We have pictures of Gary’s heart, now. It’s sort of like magic! Our neighbors have put their house on the market for $219K. We’re waiting with fascination to see if it sells at that, because it’s identical to ours, except they have much less…
Well. Ted’s dad’s gone in for angioplasty this morning. He woke up about ten days ago with chest pains, which proved not to be a heart attack (thank goodness), and Fairbanks had to send them down here because they don’t have a cardiac unit up there (buh), and yesterday at the hospital here they determined that the back artery to his heart is 99% blocked. So they’re fixing that today. o.O 10:20am, ETA: Gary’s out of surgery and it went perfectly. Yay!
There is something satisfying about a big fat stack of still-warm paper with your words printed on them. Even if you never want to look at those particular words again. :) Fortunately, by the time it’s time to, I’ll be ready to again. Amazing how that works. Book well and truly done, in other words. It’ll go in the mail this afternoon, and after I go for a walk I’ll start on the proposal for PHOENIX LAW. And then I will do revisions on THUNDERBIRD FALLS. And then I will…