what a difference

What a difference getting up at 6:45 and getting up at 7:45 makes to my mindset. Earlier is better. I feel more like I can tackle things, or something. Like I haven’t already wasted a big chunk of the day. Writing’s hard enough in the summer (I just want to be outside PLAYING), but boy, get me started an hour later and I just feel like everything’s shot to shit. Combine that with the whole “why isn’t this book done yet, I’ve already put lots of work into it” feeling…

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nice day

’twas a good day. I got my 3K in, walked, and Shaun and I had a nice bonding experience of scraping wallpaper together. Well, at the same time, anyway. And the bonding was the wallpaper glue. But the kitchen wall is now *clear* of wallpaper. Next step: strip the paint from one or more of the cabinet doors and see what kind of condition the wood beneath is in. I’m hoping it looks nice enough that we can strip them, give ’em a light sanding and a coat of stain…

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query: emotional state of a novelist

x-posted in part from my regular journal, ’cause I think a bunch of the writers I know don’t subscribe to the , and I’m curious to see what people say. I’m on the downward end of this book. I wonder how other novelists I know feel when they finish writing a book. I seem to recall a lot of triumph when I finished my first one, and being pretty pleased when I finished my second, especially as I’d given myself a deadline and stuck to it. I was astonished and…

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ah, the glamorous life

Ah, the glamorous life of a full-time writer. I was working yesterday and Chanti wanted out, so I got up and put her out. Two minutes later she wanted in, so I got up and brought her in. Shaun was in the kitchen as I said, “You want in, you want out, you want in, you want out,” and then I said to him, “Welcome to my life,” which made him laugh out loud. This morning my cousin Erik called to check up on whether I still wanted to work…

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Today I would rather wash windows than write. However, despite that, I have gotten 1100 words written, and now I’m going to go take a shower and then wash windows. :) Hopefully I’ll feel like writing more after that’s done. :) Mom and Dad have made it safely to Ireland. Yay! Okee. Shower now.