3600 words today, although 2500 to 3K just about slew me. It wasn’t even a hard scene. I was just being all lazy. Bah. But anyway, I wrote, and it was good. I did get myself together to go for a bike ride this afternoon, which was particularly good. It made me feel like less of a slug. That’s one of the problems with being a writer, is there is so much time spent in front of a computer screen that even when I know I’ve been exercising and stuff…
biz biz biz
Could one of my medically inclined friends explain to me why losing 30 pounds has had a positive effect on my allergies? As in, I’m barely suffering from them at all. My working theory is that fat cells store all the little nasties I’m allergic to, but, y’know, I’m just making that up, ’cause what the hell do I know. :) I assume it’s not that the allergy season is particularly mild this year, because Ted seems to be having his usual snuffly nose. Oh! We saw the Serenity trailer…
not a bad day, in fact.
Not a bad day. Not a bad day at all, in fact. I got about 4800 words written, thanks in definite part to the wonderful people at Forward Motion, who did a couple of word wars with me this evening and helped me get the last chapter I needed to write written. Someone died unexpectedly in this chapter. Can’t wait to watch the fallout of *that*. Writing is so fun. :) *Also* went out with Jai to a *hat shop*, where I found a completely smashing fedora that I Had…
Batman again :)
We went to see Batman again last night. I think I have to watch the Michael Keaton Batman again, just to compare ’em. But I liked it just as well the second time through, although I will discuss behind the cut tag the one thing that’s got me going back and forth on whether I approve or not. I also watched the last hour of “Legends of the Fall” on tv last night, and learned it’s one of Ted’s favorite movies ever. This surprised me, because I think it’s really…
pouring rain
It is pouring rain, as the weather report said it would all day. I rather hope it does (two well-timed breaks for me to take walks would be okay), because that means it won’t get so hot in the house, which will make it much easier to write. Also, of course, one feels less like a waste of space if one is spending a rainy day staring at a computer screen, as opposed to a stunningly beautiful day like the last several have been staring at a computer screen. Off…