
Crap. Just re-read the second half of my synopsis and I think it’s better than what I’ve been writing for the last two days. I /think/ I can pull it back in to fit the synopsis, but dammit. Wretched writer, shoulda looked at the synopsis again yesterday before I started writing. Maybe if I turn this current scene into a setup… miles to Rauros Falls: 280

*yawns my brain out*

I think I need to switch my times around, and take the dog for a walk in the evening and bike earlier in the day. This is because I often find myself willing to go for a nice pleasant quiet walk after dinner, but I don’t do it ’cause I’ve already walked, whereas getting geared up to go biking seems like too much trouble, and it seems less bothersome to do that at, say, 11am. The dog will be mortally offended by this for a few days, but there’s also…

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not bad.

3300 words. Not bad. Not great, but not bad. Tonight I get to scrape more wallpaper. Boy, do I know how to have fun, or what? But I’m going to go biking, and maybe I’ll watch a movie or a tv show or something, too, because I want some kind of reward. miles to Rauros Falls: 279 ytd wordcount: 127,300

writing is hard

Writing is hard. Actually, it’s not so much writing is hard as getting back into writing after what’s effectively although not deliberately been about a month off. I know what I’m doing with the story, I’ve got the beginning scraps of this chapter started, and so far this morning I’ve opened all my files, looked them over, played enough games of solitaire to win, and had breakfast. However, the weather report says it’s supposed to be in the mid-seventies today, it’s beautiful out already, and I must write 3K because…

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Batman Begins

Okay, here’s the hurtful truth of the matter. I didn’t even go in with the painful spark of inevitable doom that I had with X-Men, the one that knew it was just going to suck but knowing that I had to see it anyway, and that all my hopes and dreams were going to be crushed like the pathetic bugs they were. It was *worse* than that: I went in not caring. The only reason I went to see it was because Ted really really wanted to, but I mean,…

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