This morning’s first two interviews were great. Apparently the first one was webcast, but I didn’t know that until I was on the phone, so I couldn’t post about it. I’ll try to find out if they’ve got any kind of archives. Anyway, it was the one in South Carolina, and the host was all laid back and had lots and lots of good questions, and I talked more about shamanism than I expected, but fortunately I’ve read rather a lot about it, so I was pretty well prepared for…
ok, that was fun :)
Ok, that was fun. :) Irene, the New Orleans interviewer, had read the book and was very enthusiastic about it (yay!) and delighted to hear there are going to be more books in the series. *laugh* She asked some good questions about how I got started writing and how the idea for the book came about and that kind of thing, and said her daughter was disappointed to not be there ’cause she’d read it too, so it was all around a lot of fun. :) Then the second call,…
just a quick note
First interview this morning didn’t go quite as well as last night’s Anchorage interview, which I thought went quite well. The station this morning double-booked, so I ended up with only about 5 minutes, which I’m not exactly sure was worth getting up at 2:30 in the morning for. OTOH, it was five minutes of exposure I wouldn’t have otherwise had, and it was right at the end of their hour, so people tuning in for the next segment might’ve caught it, so that’s cool. Last night’s interview was fun.…
made it safe and sound
Made it to Seattle safe and sound. Almost immediately managed to convince my laptop that it had no wireless card, so I’m in their computer lab where I can’t do useful things like send a file to somebody, dang nib it. Interview in half an hour, then dinner and bed. I suspect I’m going to go try to bring the wireless card back to life (it’s saying it’s not installed, now. sigh.) and see if I can’t get it to connect. Anyway! Here I am! :)
I got permission to post the Otherworlds material I wrote for the LUNA site on my own webpage, ’cause the LUNA site is down. Check it out over at :) All right. Now to finish packing, to make lunch, to get dressed, to go to the post office, to get on the plane. Ai.