picture me, bebe!

Stolen meme from : 1. What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of me? 2. Go to http://images.google.com/ and search for that word. 3. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results (don’t tell me the word). Use an image tag, i.e. < img src="url.of.the.image.goes.here" > 4. Put this in your own blog so that I can do the same.


Thinks to do today: 1. make cheesecake 2. go to chiro 3. do 50 pages of copy edits I have to make with the small steps today, or it’ll be TRIBBLES EVERYWHERE! (It would be Kitlings, but frankly, Kitlings don’t have the panic-stricken mode that I’m associating with electrocuted tribbles. Nothing intimidates Kitlings. Nothing.) (I really need somebody to do a page full of Kitlings for me, someday.)


I feel like an electrocuted tribble. I feel like I’ve gone *PFFFT* with all my hairs on end and now I’m just sitting here all O.O waiting to figure out what to do next. I don’t feel like I’ve *done* anything today, but in fact I’ve spent the entire day doing PR things. What I have not spent the day doing is working on my copy edits, which is what “doing something” would be. Thank *God* I at least went for a two mile walk with the dog. That helped,…

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And last, but not least…

And last but not least (busy posting morning), I will be in Seattle June 9-11 to visit family and friends. Saturday is booked, but if you’re in Seattle and would like to hook up with me on Thursday or Friday, please drop me an email at catie AT cemurphy DOT net with a subject line of Seattle (so if my spam filter catches it, I can catch it back), and I will do my best to arrange visitation rights! Whew.

URBAN SHAMAN interview schedule

URBAN SHAMAN radio interview itinerary (all times are Pacific Time): Monday, June 6 6 p.m. KUDO-AM Anchorage, AK Host: Jack Frost Show: “Frost & Friends” *Live interview Length: 15 minutes Tuesday, June 7 4:36 a.m. WBHP-AM and WHOS-FM Huntsville, AL Hosts: Toni and Gary Show: “Toni and Gary Live” *Live interview Length: 18 minutes 6:05 a.m. KWCL-FM New Orleans, LA Host: Irene Show: “Mighty Mess” *Live interview Length: 20 minutes 6:25 a.m. KEYB-FM/AM Wichita Falls, TX Host: Jerry Show: “KEYB Morning Show” *Live interview Length: 10 minutes 7:10 a.m. KWLM-AM…

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