I had a very, very nice birthday. My boys got me some sapphire earrings and Phantom and a gift certificate to the comic shop, and my mumbly and dadbly got me the first season of La Femme Nikita, which I’ve wanted for years, and Shaun’s mumbly and dadbly got me a B&N gift certificate and Ted’s mumbly and dadbly got me a *gorgeous* flower bouquet, and Deirdre got the copy of the book that I sent her and laughed so hard she cried at page 75. :) Mom made roast…
I hear it’s your birthday! It’s my birthday too! I’m not a real introspective birthday sort of person, but I gotta say, in the last year, I’ve lost thirty pounds (which has positively impacted my allergies, of all things), gotten a book on the shelves with two more due out this year, and next week I’m going to Seattle for a nationally publicized radio tour to promote my book. It’s a *good* life. :) miles to Rauros Falls: 259.5
Oh, for crying out loud…
I just went to the dentist’s office. I saw my dentist there. They dinked around and didn’t greet me for about, oh, 90 seconds, maybe two minutes. In that time, apparently my dentist left because the receptionist misread a note on my file from *last* week, when my appointment was cancelled because the *dentist* was sick, and thought *I’d* called in sick and cancelled. So the dentist went off to play for an hour before 10am which was when his next appointment was, and I ended up walking home again,…
this is it, boys
Today is the official release date for URBAN SHAMAN. Not that I’m excited about it or anything. :) miles to Rauros Falls: 256 miles to Hobbiton: 164.4
Sugar & me
This is basically an entry of personal nattering about having given up sugar for forty days. Behind the cut tag, ’cause I’m not sure how many people really care. :)