Dentist appointment cancelled, unfortunately after I’d left to go to it, so I ended up going on a nice 3.5 mile walk for no reason. Oh well. Called Harlequin but didn’t get ahold of the lady I was trying to talk to, which didn’t surprise me. Had lunch. Am feeling overwhelmed, so I’m trying to be Very Very Focused on one thing at a time. And that one thing is edits on Banshee Cries, so now I’m going to go do that. miles to Rauros Falls: 236.5
All right. The COYOTE DREAMS proposal went out this morning. I have just completed the revisions Jenn asked for on HEART OF STONE. I would print it out, but I have no envelope and it seems foolish to print it and let it sit around collecting cat hair until I get one. I have approximately nine hundred envelopes to send out, so I will get a big enough envelope for the ms, and another big enough one for the WM covers, and then I will send all nine hundred and…
two weeks worth of mail
I’ve just gone through two weeks worth of mail. In it, I have an envelope from the DMLA, which to my disappointment didn’t contain money, but does contain an agreement saying, “Yes, you can use an excerpt of my novel on Amazon”, so I gotta get that signed and back out right away, and a very large envelope which I thought must contain a copy-edited manuscript but proved to contain MORE copies of the URBAN SHAMAN cover (but this is the Official Cover, with my picture inside instead of information…
Arright, I have sent the COYOTE DREAMS proposal off. Now all I have to do is finish Jenn’s revisions on HEART OF STONE, look over Matrice’s suggestions and comments on “Banshee Cries” and THE CARDINAL RULE and do something with them, and finish writing FIREBIRD DECEPTION. No prollem. O.O
crosspost from mizkit_feed, sorry for spam
Arright, since I seem to have reached a time of Better Get It Together as far as this whole book thing is concerned, I’m doing so, at least enough to make note of an announcements-only e-mail list that you can subcribe to here. I’ll post notes and information about upcoming activities and career stuff on that list, but it’s not a discussion forum, so it’ll be very low traffic. With any luck, Garrett will have functional by the first. If so, that’ll be my primary discussion forum area; I’m…