I believe I have caught Shaun’s cold. This is very sad, but my throat’s been itchy and the allegra’s not stopping the itch, and I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose. I’ve drugged myself and intend to carry on as if I am well, but with plenty of sleep. I wouldn’t even mind being sick except, maaaaan, *right* before we go to Hawaii? Snivel. I think I’ve gotten a thousand-ish words written this morning. Going to go do more in a few minutes here, but first I’m going…
holy matrimony, batman
Holy matrimony, Batman. *Besides* the extremely cool publicity thing which I will speak more of on Monday when I know more about it, I also got revisiony-edity things on *both* “Banshee Cries” *and* THE CARDINAL RULE today, which shot to hell any chance I had of accomplishing anything because my brain filled right up and went AUGH! with the sheer number of things that must needs be accomplished. Between those revision/edity things and the proposal due on June 1 and the book due on July 1, it is *very clear*…
Did I mention…
Did I mention I now have a Wikipedia entry? A splended fellow who found me through Jim Butcher created it a little while back. I thought it was outrageous cool. :) Some way cool news on the publicity front this morning, but I don’t have all the details hammered out yet, so I’m simply going to taunt you by mentioning it thusly and then saying no more. No more!
Eeee! Rough draft of the back cover copy for THUNDERBIRD FALLS! It made me laugh out loud, and I wrote the damned book, so that seems promising. :) There’s a couple things I wanna tweak, but *dancie dance*! Happy me! Coincidentally, I have just written the first seven hundred words of COYOTE DREAMS, and I am much more excited about the copy for TBF than I would have been two hours ago when I didn’t know what I was going to do to open CD. Wow! Chipper cheerful me! Hooray!…
a whole day
A whole day went by without me posting. Oops. I’m sure my faithful audience is crushed. :) Busy day yesterday. I leapt out of bed and got 2300 words written before my dentist appointment, but then I never got back to writing, so that was my total for the day. I’m going to aim for 3300 today to make up for it, but if I don’t make it, eh, that’s okay. That was the nicest dentist appointment I’ve ever had, I think. Except the part where they said I had…