2800 words. I stopped in the middle of a fight scene, so getting started again tomorrow should be easy. :) I’m past 200 pages now, so everything should be bang-bang-bang pretty much all the way up to the end from here on out. I hope. :) Didn’t get much done on CD last night. A bit of the synopsis, but not really very much. Need to think up an opening scene, I do I do. Soon, since the proposal’s due at the end of the month. I’ll probably work on…
na’ bad
Na’ bad, na’ bad. 2900 words today, which is what I have to do daily for the next 10 days if I want to hit 60K before we go to Hawaii. I’m wildly unlikely to finish the book before then, but 3/4ths complete would be excellent. I’ve been all whingy about doing it, but that’s just sheer laziness going on. Later on tonight, when I get bored, which I suspect will happen, I’ll very likely get COYOTE DREAMS started in some fashion or another. Synopsizing, anyway, ’cause the proposal’s due…
Check it out! Interviewy goodness! Your Birthdate: June 1 Your birthday suggests that are executive ability and leadership qualities in your makeup. A birthday on day 1 of any month gives a measure of will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush. You may be sensitive, but your feelings stay rather repressed. What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
writey goodness :)
I hang out at this online writer’s forum called Forward Motion. There’s an e-zine called Vision associated with this forum, and the theme for the May/June is “Openings”. I’m the featured interview for May/June. :) I’m really pretty excited about this. FM’s got a lot of readers and Vision’s got a pretty good circulation (if that’s what you call it for an e-zine!) and I think it’s really neat to be able to do this kind of thing to publicize my first book. I had a lot of fun doing…
weekendy catchup
Jai and Tori and I did the Heart Walk thing yesterday, which was really a lot of fun. It was absolutely gorgeous out, and to Jai and my amazement, Tori did the whole 5km walk without a word of complaint. The second half of it we had her running up to check points ahead of us so she could wait for us, which gave her a chance to show off and escape the parental yoke of oppression all at once, so it worked very well. We had a really good…