hoopy frood

We have just returned from seeing the HHGTTG movie. Overall, I was really very happy with it. There’s lots straight from the books, and plenty of laugh-out-loud bits, and despite Marvin looking and sounding all wrong, he was actually quite perfect (unlike Zaphod, whose heads and third arm they really did screw up. For ease of filming, yeah yeah yeah I see why they did it, but eh, I would not have done Zaphod the way they did in many aspects. Nonetheless, I can’t say he wasn’t pretty Zaphod-like.) Arthur…

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Today I have read three books. This is not very much like writing, or playing outside, but my God it was satisfying. So there. :) Except, argh. I re-read this book, LOOKING FOR THE MAHDI, which is really quite good, because the word “copacetic” is used twice in the book and I couldn’t remember who’d used it the first time and there’s sort of a reveal at the end when it’s used again so I wanted to know who’d said it first, nor could I find it in the skimming…

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briefly here

I didn’t mean to log on this morning, but I had to order food for wretched Zilli, so since I was here I thought I’d make a quick journal entry. :) Yesterday was pretty much a wash, writing-wise. Got maybe 5 or 600 words done. Tired, tired me. Did too much EXERMACIZIN’ on Wednesday. Although, y’know, really, going outside to play doesn’t seem very much like exermacizin’. Gotta say, I have a great deal more sympathy for my Mom’s “Go outside and play, it’s a beautiful day!” when we were…

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to yesterday’s numbers…

To yesterday’s numbers add one sunburn. :) And then I forgot to buy sunblock at the store last night. *exasperated look* I’ll dig around and see if I’ve got any left from last year, but I think I was Efficient in cleaning the kitchen a while ago and threw it all out. Dur. V. tired today. (Go figure.) Haven’t gotten myself downstairs to write yet. I’m only going for 1100 words today. I figure if I get more it’s a miracle. :) Yeah, okay. I was gonna post more, but…

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An entry mostly made up of numbers: 40K reached on FIREBIRD DECEPTION 1 salwar-kameez opened (it’s beautiful! it fits! it’ll fit better soon!) 23 miles biked 2 3 miles walked 1 monitor on the fritz 1 pair of size 14 shorts falling off me 2 moose viewed 3 bald eagles sighted 3 “way rad!” comments by passers-by regarding the recumbent 1 half hour spent weight lifting It is *way* too damned nice out to be indoors. I’m going to go play ball with the dog. :) miles to Hobbiton: 86.7…

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