So there’s this mean man who lives across the circle from us. He’s got a southern accent so strong he sounds like he’s not speaking English, and I’ve never heard him utter a sentence that didn’t have at least one swear word in it. He’s got a pit bull sort of dog that he yells at all the time, and he’s constantly buying new toys: cars, ATVs, boats, stereo equipment, you name it. He’s got security cameras all over the outside of his house, and he never smiles. Yesterday I…
All right, I got 1100 words written this morning and I stopped for breakfast and I’ve been totally dorking around for the last hour, so I’m going to write a blog entry so I’m at least *typing*, and then perhaps I can get myself to write the other 1500 words I need to get done today. Sheesh. Record-breaking temperatures here in Alaska this week. It was 65 the last couple days and is supposed to get as warm today. I get to go BIKING after my words are done, so…
wow, yummy stuff
So Ted had his final for his … I can’t spell it. Class. Today. :) They made up about thirty different tiny dishes and invited all the culinary students’ families and everyone to come visit and eat, and so we did. And it was very, *very* good. I tried many different things, although I wasn’t *very* adventuresome, and I liked almost all of what I tried. MmmMMMmmm. Then I came home and went on a 15 mile bike ride, which caused Marith to say I was virtuous, but I hadn’t…
good morning
It’s been a good morning. 1800 words so far, and I’m going to go get another 1200 done after lunch, I think. Walked a couple of miles with the puppy, and it is beeeeeooooooteeful out. Supposed to get up into the low 60s this week! Yay! Aaaand this afternoon one of Ted’s classes is having a buffet banquet thing that we’re going to, and life is good. :) …except Zilli’s great weight is tilting my monitor backward. *removes cat from monitor and fixes angle* Now Zilli’s baleful stare is being…
Oh my, I am the Kit of All Exercising today. And hoo boy did it feel weird to get on a mountain bike after riding a recumbent for the last two summers. The mountain bike’s still faster for me, and I sure do like being able to stand on the pedals, but man, the numb/achy wrists and stiff upper back and the head angle are a big fat minus. I decided to take the mountain bike out ’cause I wanted to check out the trails, and the recumbent is just…