
On the off chance that you check my blog, Emily, I misremembered your room number and the hotel can’t put me through to you because the room’s in somebody else’s name and I don’t know the name. Call me!


From Erica this morning: Guess what *I* saw last night?!?!?!? I was paging through my newest issue of /Realms of Fantasy/, when what should I see but . . . A GORGEOUS, FULL-PAGE COLOR AD FOR URBAN SHAMAN!!!!!! Yea, and verily, there was much ado, and squeeeing, and I almost called you to tell you except that I didn’t have your phone number handy. Yay, yay, yay. I cannot tell you how much that thrilled me. :) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! MUST. GET. REALMS OF FANTASY. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! *falls over*

good day

A good writing day today. I finished my first new chapter and launched into rewriting the intro of the next chapter, and ended up with six pages of new text. That’s good. About 2900 words all told today, plus 1700 or so from dinking around the day before that. Enjoying it much more now, and I think I can use pretty much everything I’ve already got written, although I’ve *got* to get Alisha back Stateside for a couple-three chapters, and that might have to happen between what I’m doing now…

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Entertaining meme :)

Meme: Take lyrics to a song, paste them to Google Language Tools. Translate them from English to German, then from German to French, then from French back to English. Post the lyrics on your blog and ask people to guess what song it is. I on planet on a wing and a prayer, steal my grubby halation purely shade sees, the corner of my waessernTraums the eye of A do not steal outside unthreatened the light of morning could this heart roast enough the roof of the night are a…

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weigh in

This morning’s weigh-in puts me at 25 pounds lost since October 7th. Um. Anything else? I decided my book was boring and I’m writing a new chapter or two to spice it up. Fundamental of storytelling: when in doubt, have things go wrong. I got my salwar kameez set, but I don’t get to open it until I hit 40K words, which is about 10K away. Rewards good. :) And it looks like we’ll be going to Oahu for our vacation! And I think that’s all. Time to go back…

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