
I just got into a completely fascinating discussion about Tennyson’s “Ulysses” with Trent. It’s probably my favorite poem of all time; if I had to choose one poem to be able to read for the rest of my life and no others, it would very likely be “Ulysses”. (That would suck, but that’s not the point.) Anyway, it’s so wonderful I was stabbing myself in the heart over it, and Trent said, “You’re reading that on purpose? It’s so *depressing*!” I don’t think it’s depressing at all. I think it’s…

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words, mostly

Zilli has no fear of me. He was on my chair and I came up and sat on him and he didn’t even twitch. He had no fear at all that I was actually going to squish him. I had to pick him up and move him to get him off the chair. He will like me much less in a few hours when we’ve brought him (and the other animals) to the vet to get microchipped and vaccinated, though! I’ll teach him! erm. or something. Anyway, the purpose of…

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Snowing. Bah.

It’s snowing. Bah. The weather forecast said it was going to, but it’s been wrong for the last six weeks any time it’s predicted any kind of change in the weather, so I was hoping it’d be wrong again today. No such luck. I walked anyway, so I feel *extremely* superior. I’m hoping it’ll warm up some this afternoon so I can, or so I’ll feel more like, walking again. Shaun rescued me from having to do something extreme like go work out from boredom again last night. Actually, I…

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mmm mmm good

Last night Ted made grilled chicken sandwiches on foccacia bread with a garlic aeole and grilled sundried tomatoes and onions for dinner. And roasted potatoes and green beans. It was *insanely* good. InSANEly good! He was very disappointed he forgot to put the feta cheese on the sandwiches. We told him it’d be okay if he just made the meal again. It was *really* good. It turns out I have one size 10 pair of jeans and one size 8 pair of jeans, because I can’t read, or something. The…

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bizzy bizzy

Bizzy bizzy day, or at least it’s seemed like it. Got up earlyish and wrote a little, then finished reading SLANT, the Greg Bear book I started yesterday. Then we zoomed to the banks, went shopping, shopped some more, came home, went out again to go to the bank again, went shopping, and then I walked the dog, who was very impatient by then. That was Too Much Shopping. But I now have a couple pairs of size 10 jeans, which zip up with no problem at all, although unless…

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