
Good: I’ve already hit my word quota for the day. Bad: I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago (no one noticed) to get rid of some more of the dead ends in the shorter layer, and until today I was actually much happier with the haircut than I had been with the layer being there but longer. Today I found out that the shorter layer is too short to successfully wind my hair up and stick one of those claw thingies around it to make a sort…

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miles to Hobbiton: 39.4 I wish the bike trails were all clear. Biking around the lake and around neighborhoods is okay, but it’s not nearly as much fun as biking the coastal trail. But I’m not man enough to bike through long patches of slushy snow. Sulk.

I love these days

I love the days when I get up early enough to be writing by 8am. I just feel so much more focused and capable. 3300 words in 3 hours this morning, and I’m going to go write some more in a few minutes here. Chanti and I went for a walk, and I think I’m going to go biking later this afternoon. I somehow suspect I may end up being obliged to do another weights work out this evening, too, just because I’ve already gotten so much done today and…

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Booteeful day out. I was obliged to walk 4.5 miles, which was very nice, and to write 1400 words, which felt kind of like being a piker, but I got the next chapter started and ought to write the rest of it tomorrow. If I do 2 chapters every 3 days I’ll be sassisfied. 3 every 3 would be better, but 2 is good. That’s about it. :) ytd wordcount: 78,700 miles to Rauros Falls: 142.5

acts of desperation

One of the problems with the days getting so long (compounded by stupid, *stupid* daylight savings) is that there’s all this bright evening (it’s 9:34 as I type this sentence, and the sky is twilighty but not dark yet) and I feel like I should be out *doing* things. But I’d already walked 3 miles and written 2300 words and it’d gotten pretty windy so I didn’t really want to go biking, and besides I’ve got a crampy knot in my calf already so it seemed like biking would be…

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