It was a pretty nice St. Patrick’s Day, overall. We went to Mom & Dad’s for corned beef & cabbage for dinner (mmMMMmmm!), and Mom tried out an orange meringue pie recipe instead of lemon meringue. It was pretty good, although not as WOW in flavor as lemon meringue is, so she’s going to try some different stuff with the recipe next time. Then we went to Craig’s going away party, which was quite a lot of fun. Saw a bunch of people we hadn’t seen in a very long…
I had things to say, but I don’t feel like it anymore. miles to Rauros Falls: 77 ytd wordcount: 57,700
Read the first 20 chapters or so of TBF this afternoon. Gotta finish it tomorrow, though I can see a lot of things that need to be done. Viva la revisions. :) Also walked another 3 miles and am quite sleepy now. :) Oh! Yesterday I was out walking and wearing my ridiculous pompom hat that Angie made me, and a *school bus* pulled up alongside me so all the kids could yell, “I LIKE YOUR HAT!” and so the bus driver could ask me where I’d gotten it. Isn’t…
clear roads = lots of walking
We loves the clear roads, we do, precious. 3 miles yesterday and 2 this morning. We loves setting our own schedule, too, precious. See, this is what I’ve observed: if I get started by 8, I am extremely productive. If I get started by 9, I’m reasonably productive. If I get started at 10, I’m somewhat productive. After that the whole day is shot to hell. So I got up at 7 today and was at the computer by 8, and got 1700 words written on FD by 10 when…
decadant life
I live a decadant life. I’ve just made a loaf of brown oatmeal soda bread which smells stunningly good, and as soon as it’s cooled off a bit I’m going to have a nice big chunk of it with a bowl of homemade ham and bean soup. The only thing that could possibly improve on this meal would be a glass of whole milk, but I’ve only got 2%, so that’ll just have to do. Perhaps to make up for the 2% I’ll have some homemade peach jam on my…