and it’s off

FIREBIRD DECEPTION proposal is done and off. Had a complete failure to communicate with the PR person yesterday. Crossed wires. I sent email Sunday saying, ‘How about you call tomorrow?’ and she got it on Monday and interpreted ‘tomorrow’ as ‘Tuesday’. So she called at the stroke of 9am this morning, but I was in the midst of working on the proposal, and I’m trying *very* hard not to answer the phone when I’m writing. I was nearly done, so I emailed her a couple of minutes later and we…

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mileage, mostly

Nice weekend. Walked on the treadmill because it was pouring rain yesterday and again this morning because I have a phone call with Harlequin sometime this morning and I didn’t know what time I’d be, so I wanted to walk early so I wouldn’t totally miss my walk. Turns out it’s at 9, so I wouldn’t have missed walking time anyway, but it’s good to have walked. Besides, I had to watch the second of the Dark Quickening episodes. :) miles to Rauros Falls: 62.5

writing is good.

I got the chapter done almost despite myself. I really had to cajole myself into hitting 1500 words (from the 1300 I’d had), but after that I sort of finished it by surprise. But being surprised that way is nice! :) If I’m Hideous Cool, I’ll write a couple more chapters for the proposal, but I need to rewrite the first chapter first. By the end of the 3rd chapter, something I wasn’t expecting happened, so I’m looking forward to exploring the consequences of that. Which is probably part of…

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walking, writing

The sun came out and the wind warmed up yesterday, so I did walk more. Except it turned out there was a puddle approximately the size and depth of Lake Superior at the end of Wendy Way, so instead of walking the coastal trail like I’ve been doing I was obliged to wander the neighborhood rather than risk drowning in the Ginormous Puddle. Emily sent me this DVD of this funny 70s British tv show called “Two’s Company”, which is about an American writer and her British butler. I’ve watched…

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my, what wind!

My, what wind there is today! I think it’s supposed to be a chinook, but it’s blowing so damned hard it’s cold anyway. I’ve only walked a mile so far, and I’m trying to convince myself to go back out into it to walk further. WHOOOOSH! 2300 words today, ch. 2 finished, plan to more or less blow through ch. 3 tomorrow and fix ch. 1 on Sunday and look at the synopsis then too (weekend? what’s a weekend?), and send off the FD proposal. If I am extremely, *extremely*…

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